Five Minute Friday

by Grace {illustrated}

Five Minute Friday

Here we are again!

Five minute Friday!

Go to:


join in on the fun!

This is how it works:

Lisa Jo gives a one word prompt at midnight.

We write for five minutes.

Without editing.


we go back to her place to publish our post.

There is one  rule though that cannot be broken;

you must visit the person who has posted right before you

leaving them a message of love.

Who would want to break this rule?

It’s as much fun as the writing is!

Our prompt is:


Look what Grace has done  for me.

Look  at how my mind is free


endless chatter that needs not be heard


false opinions not connected to the word

Look what Grace has done for me.

My path is known.

Made clear



Look what God’s grace holds in store for you.

perfect peace.

assured-ness, too.

Look what Grace does easily

Look  how Grace is all sufficiency.